Misconceptions about GPS tracking systems

There are several misconceptions about GPS tracking systems, particularly when it comes to tracking company vehicles. These misunderstandings can foster negative attitudes among business owners, workers, and employees. This article aims to clear up these misconceptions and help you and your business benefit from GPS tracking systems. Continue reading “Misconceptions about GPS tracking systems”

Ensuring Cargo and Vehicle Security with GPS Tracking Solutions

The Global Positioning System, more commonly known as GPS, serves many purposes. Today, the applications of the GPS include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Agriculture
  • Astronomy
  • Disaster management
  • Data mining
  • Fleet tracking
  • Geo-fencing
  • Navigation
  • Sports
  • Tectonics

Today, the most common application of the GPS is for tracking and navigation purposes. The GPS makes use of the concept of triangulation. Triangulation is a process through which you can find the exact location of the object which you are tracking. This is done with the help of satellites orbiting the earth. The target object is tracked by three (or more) satellites which are closest to it. The GPS calculates the relative distances by tracing the route of radio waves traveling to and from the satellites. The coordinates of the target object’s exact location are then obtained.

Continue reading “Ensuring Cargo and Vehicle Security with GPS Tracking Solutions”